- 1. "Understand what motivates you so that when you get up every day to go to work, it is not a chore, it is a part of who you are."
- 2. "Do your due diligence on where you are going to work You want to know that the organisation that you are going to work at aligns with your personal values."
- 3. “Invest in yourself and back yourself, time and money.” Also, if you have questions for a particular field and have done your research on admirable people in that field, do not hesitate to contact them, offer a coffee or a lunch to get some time and ask your questions/pick their brains. They will feel flattered, and you will get some insights that you could not find on Google.
- 1. "Women, in particular, underestimate the value of our soft skills. And fold too quickly if an offer is on the table." Be realistic when going into pay negotiations, and make sure to look at surveys that tell you ballpark figures of what your field is worth.
- 2. Further, it would be helpful to get a mentor to determine what your negotiating points/skills are and whether you are prepared to walk away. You will be happy to know that Charmaine is convinced that in the future, “it is going to be about people’s skills.”, which is our strong suit!
- 3. “We don’t have financial confidence and don’t have the back up in the bank to walk aware from your job if you want." Most finance blogs will tell you that having an emergency fund of six-months expenses is something you should focus on building on your 20s. This is another reason to have this fund, so if you are unhappy with your job, you can walk away without becoming financially unstable.
- 4. “I wish I had started much earlier to put money away. Even just 10 dollars each week would have been amazing.” It all adds up over time so make sure to start as early as you can and be disciplined about it!