“Dancing is creating a sculpture that is visible only for a moment.”
― Erol Ozan
One of the future-oriented questions we often ask, is what people would love to see emerge as a new work trend or become more commonplace. Encouraging exercise in the work place was Alayna’s answer. Exercise produces endorphins and makes you happy, we're pretty sure all of us have felt the buzz after a run, reinvigorated after a game of tennis, or the calm that fills you after yoga. So good!
Imagine if more organisations allowed time and flexibility for people to attend classes, go for a swim, walk or bike ride before, during or after work? We all can take the lead and manage our own wellbeing though as regardless, all jobs will have stressors, so it is important that you manage yourself and are well rested. Take the time out for something you would like to do. Alayna reminds us all that “it's important to have some you time amongst the chaos of stress in life.” |